Canoe Building

Onaman Collective was in Deshkaanziibing building a canoe, sharing traditional skills with youth (Chippewa of the Thames First Nation).

Birch bark harvesting took place in June of 2015.  The canoe was built from July 15 to Aug 13, 2015.

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Preston Pine, 16, with the birch he harvested for the canoe

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Louise after a hard day of work…harvesting birch and spruce root

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Spruce gum

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Preston with handmade tools for canoe building

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splitting cedar for the nose

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sewing up the bark with spruce roots

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cutting out the birch decoration

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carving ribs

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late night working


setting the ribs

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harvested birch

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splitting cedar


ribs setting



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busy at work on the sheathing

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splitting cedar




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